Root Collar Problems

Root Collar Problems

The most likely cause of tree problems in the urban setting in our area is buried root collars. I seldom have a day in which I do not diagnose a root collar disorder. In my experience, it is by far the most common cause of tree decline and death and is responsible for...
Tree Vents

Tree Vents

Purpose: To provide air, water and fertilizing ports in the root area of trees that have paving over their root zones. Their main value is to vent toxic gases to the surface and to allow oxygen to enter the soil under the paving. Their secondary value is for water and...
What You Should Know About Oak Wilt

What You Should Know About Oak Wilt

(updated April 2020) What is Oak Wilt? Oak wilt is a vascular wilt disease caused by a fungus that infects the water-conducting tissues of oak trees and causes them to wilt and die. Good health does not improve resistance to this disease. If the oak tree is challenged...
What You Should Know About Soils

What You Should Know About Soils

(updated March, 2017) Soil is more than sand, silt, and clay with some small amount of organic matter.  You may have 3 inches of clay over caliche, or 12 inches of blackland clay, or 5 feet of sand over hardpan. Whatever you have, soil is teaming with life. Experts...
When A Tree Grows New Bark

When A Tree Grows New Bark

The car struck the tree at more than 60 mph. The teenage driver was dead and his girlfriend was in intensive care. The car was wrapped around a tree and the car battery had gone thru a metal garage door about 25 feet from the tree. The 15 inch Cedar Elm was standing...